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Perpustakaan LPMP Jawa Barat
Powerful Teacher Education

Powerful Teacher Education describes the strategies, goals, content, and processes of seven highly successful and long-standing teacher education programs - Alverno College, Bank Street College, Tr…

Perpustakaan LPMP Jawa Barat
Enhancing Quality In Assessment

This challenging book is essential reading for teachers, teacher-educators, policymakers, and all those involved in the assessment of pupils and students. Its publication is motivated by the contri…

Perpustakaan LPMP Jawa Barat
Mengembangkan Sekolah Efektif : Panduan Praktis Bagi Kepala Sekolah Untuk Men…

Ingin membuat sekolah yang efektif? Atau mau menjadi kepal sekolah yang dapat memajukan sekolah secara efektif? Buku inilah jawabannya. Buku ini ditulis sesuai pengalaman penulis ketika menjad kepa…