Educational Management Administration & Leadership Vol. 41 No. 4 July 2013
EDITORIAL:1.International Perspectives on Leader Development: Definition and Design (Allan Walker, Philip Hallinger)ARTICLES:1.International Patterns in Principal Preparation: Commonalities and Variations in Pre-service Programmes (Allan Walker, Darren Bryant, Moosung Lee)2.Preparing Principals: What Can We Learn from MBA and MPA Programmes? (Philip Hallinger, Jiafang Lu)3.Preparing Headteachers in England: Professional Certification, not Academic Learning (Tony Bush)4.The Development, Endorsement and Adoption of a National Standard for Principals in Australia (Stephen Dinham, Patricia Collarbone, Margery Evans, Anthony Mackay)5.Change and Continuity: A Critical Analysis of Principal Development Policy in Mainland China (1989–2011) (Yulian Zheng, Allan Walker, Shuangye Chen)6.Implementation of a Coaching Program for School Principals: Evaluating Coaches’ Strategies and the Results (Jason Huff, Courtney Preston, Ellen Goldring)7.Multiple Learning Approaches in the Professional Development of School Leaders – Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Findings on Self-assessment and Feedback (Stephan Gerhard Huber)