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Seminar Movement of Peoples in Southeast Asia February 17-19, 1993: Sea-routes and settlement patterns of Prehistoric South East Asia/ The significance of archaelogical findings in Northern Bali in the history of Southeast Asia/ Buginese migratory patterns in Historical prespective/ Trade, Islam and the expansion of the Brunei Sultanate/ Structural changes in the Pesisir cities since the 17th century/ Ayudhaya and Bangkok; urban civilization in historical comparative/ Urban ethnicity in Singapore/ Batu Pahat, Johor: twentieth century, Malay archipelago in the making/ Malay ethnic minority: a study of the Islamic legal autonomy in South Siam, 1982-1925/ The registered and the ileegals: te case of Indonesian immigrant workers in Malaysia/ The Indonesia diaspora in Southern Philippines/ Return migration among the Sangirese/ From emigratie to Transmigrasi; continuity and change in migration policies in Indonesia 1905-1965/ The Javanese communities in Surinam/ Jemberang crossing the straits of Malaka, Singapore, Riau/ The Boyanese in Singapore | Katalog Induk Perpustakaan Kemdikbudristek

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Seminar Movement of Peoples in Southeast Asia February 17-19, 1993: Sea-routes and settlement patterns of Prehistoric South East Asia/ The significance of archaelogical findings in Northern Bali in the history of Southeast Asia/ Buginese migratory patterns in Historical prespective/ Trade, Islam and the expansion of the Brunei Sultanate/ Structural changes in the Pesisir cities since the 17th century/ Ayudhaya and Bangkok; urban civilization in historical comparative/ Urban ethnicity in Singapore/ Batu Pahat, Johor: twentieth century, Malay archipelago in the making/ Malay ethnic minority: a study of the Islamic legal autonomy in South Siam, 1982-1925/ The registered and the ileegals: te case of Indonesian immigrant workers in Malaysia/ The Indonesia diaspora in Southern Philippines/ Return migration among the Sangirese/ From emigratie to Transmigrasi; continuity and change in migration policies in Indonesia 1905-1965/ The Javanese communities in Surinam/ Jemberang crossing the straits of Malaka, Singapore, Riau/ The Boyanese in Singapore

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Perpustakaan Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta

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11.7 Intern.Sem M,Jkt.93
Jakarta : LIPI.,
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