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The Sunni Path | Katalog Induk Perpustakaan Kemdikbudristek

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The Sunni Path

Stating, "The religion is under the shadow of swords," Rasulullah (sall-Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam) explained that Muslims could live in comfort under the protection of the State and its laws. As the State becomes stronger, the people enjoy more happiness and peace. Muslims living happily and carrying out their religious duties with freedom in non-Muslim countries, such as those in Europe and America, should not revolt against the State and the laws which give them freedom; they should not be tools of instigation (fitna) and anarchy. In this precious book written by Imâm-ı Rabbânî Ahmed Fârûkî Serhendi, one of the greatest savants of Islam, explained are the proof of Prophethood, the special features of a Prophet that distinguish him from other men, a miracle, the Prophethood of Muhammad ׳alayhissalâm. In addition to this, the lives of great savants of Islam such as Sayyed Abdülhakîm-i Arvâsî, Sayyed Fehîm-i Arvâsî, Sayyed Tâhâ-i Hakkârî and Hüseyn Hilmi bin Sa'id Effendi are briefly narrated.

Kaum muslim yang hidup di jalan yang benar menurut Islam adalah yang percaya dan menempatkan dirinya sesuai dengan shari'a (syariat) seperti sahabat Al-Kiram; mereka inilah yang akan selamat.
Jalan yang benar itu adalah Ahl As-Sunnat wal- Jama'ah. ini adalah satu-satunya jalan yang benar, seperti yang pernah dilakukan oleh orang suci (alaihi salam) dan pengikutnya (Rahmat- Allahi ta'ala alaihim ajma'in).

Collection Location

Perpustakaan Museum Nasional

Detail Information
Series Title
Call Number
Istanbul : Waqf Ikhlas.,
107 p.; 13 x 19 cm.
Content Type
Media Type
Carrier Type
Fourteenth Edition
Specific Detail Info
Statement of Responsibility
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