2 exploration: where do we go next? 6 revolutions in mapping 40 why explore? 46 queen maud land 70 jacques-yves cousteau 80 brides of the Sahara 92 remember the maine? 112 Australia by bike,…
2. South China sea 34. Dinosaur embryos 42. Barcelona 60. Nunataks 72. Winslow homer 102. Body beasts 116. Petra, ancient city of stone
2. Coral eden 30. Coral in peril 38. Lawrence of arabia 62. Tracking the anaconda 70. Hitting the wall 92. Research committe 100. Ravens 116. Popocatepetl
2. Kashmir : trapped in conflict 30. Around at last 52. Masai passage to manhood 66. Olive oil, elixir of the gods 82. Preserving the sahara's art 90. Hunting with eagles 104. Rodeos-be…
Buku ini memuat konsep dasar pragmatik, fenomena pragmatik, dan kajian mendalam atas salah satu fenomena pragmatik itu.
Novel ini mengisahkan tentang cinta, keimanan, dan perdamaian.
2. Food : how safe ? how altered ? 52. Uncommon vision 68. Catfish hunters 78. Inca Rescue 92. Italy's po river 116. ZipUSA : 60614
37. Ireland the sonoran desert 65. Inner Japan 96. Crime : pearl of a fallen empire 120. Fantasy coffins of ghana
Melalui buku ini Syaikh ash-Shafuri ulama Besar abad ke-9 H, mengajak kita untuk mengisi jiwa yang hampa dengan nilai-nilai religius yang menyejukkan seperti keikhlasan, akidah (tauhid), zikir, bac…
2 eyewitness Iraq 28 tiger sharks 36 frozen in time 56 panama's rite of passage 80 african marriage rituals 98 feathers for T.rex? 108 after the deluge